Download The Rise of The Witchking Special Edition !!!
Download The Rise of The Witchking Special Edition!!!

This is The Rise of The Witch-King Special Edition. Remember that THIS IS NOT A MOD. If you play with this edition vs someone who doesnt have, NO MISMATCH PROBLEM. If you ask me that what is special edition, I would say best version of RoTWK with new game musics (also you need to install BFME2 Special Edition ) "The Lord of The Rings Soundtracks", new images, and much more features (read all features below). You dont need to crack or patch the game to play online with other players. All you need to download and install Special Edition. Next download Gameranger and play with your friends online.
I use this version to play on Gameranger / Hamachi / Network and suggest
everyone do the same thing. You gonna like it so much :)
Special Edition Features
- Autodefeated (3:30) problem has been solved (experimental)
- Uber faster installation (install RoTWK in 25 seconds)
- The game loads amazingly faster and runs smoother (because fewer files, but with no mismatching if played vs/with Standart Edition.) Also the game starts up faster than the standard version.
- Size of the game is reduced. (Size of standard RoTWK is around 4 GB, but RoTWK Special Editon is only 937 MB.)
- Included patch 2.01 (so you dont have to patch your game).
- Startup Logo movies deleted to open game faster (EA Games, THX, Geforce, Intel Logo).
- Language filter removed. The language filters purpose is to censor certain words. (for example; ****= fuck ****=hell). Now, you can easily say "fuck you idiot" to each other.
- Download RoTWK Special Edition.iso by clicking link below
- Download Deamon Tools if you still dont have click here
- Insert/Mount downloaded .iso file on Deamon Tools.
- Download RoTWK KEY GENERATOR here
- Download RoTWK Mini Cd Images to run game without disc click here
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